Roma , il dilemma delle palafitte insabbiate.
This is Gianfranco, the last man living in one of the stilts in Fiumicino, "Bilancioni"; these have become a highly symbolic place frequented by the citizens of the territory, which is fronting huge environmental issues following the (human) pollution of the waters of the Tevere, and the obstruction of the have in the canals of the port.
The collectives calling for the recovery of the area, the re-ignition of the lighthouse, and the initiatives of environmental associations for the cleaning of this strip of coast are multiplying.
On a piece of wall, on the shore: is written what at his core, this place really is: "L'unico spiraglio in mezzo a cose futili".
This is Gianfranco, the last man living in one of the stilts in Fiumicino, "Bilancioni"; these have become a highly symbolic place frequented by the citizens of the territory, which is fronting huge environmental issues following the (human) pollution of the waters of the Tevere, and the obstruction of the have in the canals of the port.
The collectives calling for the recovery of the area, the re-ignition of the lighthouse, and the initiatives of environmental associations for the cleaning of this strip of coast are multiplying.
On a piece of wall, on the shore: is written what at his core, this place really is: "L'unico spiraglio in mezzo a cose futili".
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